Convention Center Development
Mr. William Johnson, local entrepreneur and owner of SBBI Enterprise, has expressed a desire to build a
convention center/event venue in Henderson, Kentucky. The Henderson Tourist Commission supports all efforts to
develop and promote Henderson as a destination for visitors. Tourism drives economic and social prosperity, and
we encourage Mr. Johnson’s endeavors with this project and wish him every success.
Henderson needs a convention center. We are going to make it happen! SBBI Enterprises is raising funds for the construction of a new convention center in Henderson, KY. The facility will be used as an economic engine to attract tourism and business investment into our region, while creating jobs and improving quality of life for all Kentuckians!
We are devoted to creating a vibrant and inclusive community. We pledge to empower individuals by providing meaningful employment opportunities and to create a sustainable, multi-use convention center that will serve as a central gathering place for the whole community.
We are proud that our initiatives concentrate on 3 of the major objectives listed by the United Nations:
- DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
- INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
- SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES – Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Why WE Should Build the Convention Center?
- We’re the ones who should decide what our city looks like!
- This is our chance to make sure the new convention center reflects our values and traditions!
- Outsiders will never understand what makes our city special.Only we can build something that truly represents us!
- The new convention center is a chance for us to show the world what we’re made of!
- Let’s not let someone else build our future. Together, we can do anything!
The plan is to buy the Big Rivers lot in Henderson and develop it into a state-of-the-art Multi-Purpose Facility.
Not only will this provide the area with a much-needed community space, it will also create new jobs and stimulate Henderson’s local economy. This new facility will be a shining example of sustainability. Not only will it be built using the most advanced sustainable technology and practices, but it will also be a model for other businesses and organizations to follow. The facility will be designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly.
The multipurpose facility will be a hub of activity, with concerts, conferences, indoor sports, and other events. It will be a place to bring the community together and celebrate Henderson’s culture, history, and natural beauty. When it is completed, it will be a source of pride for the community and a destination for people from all over the world. It will be a symbol of success and a testament to the power of collaboration and hard work. It is an investment of which the entire community will benefit.
Due to the magnitude of this project development we will have to come together as a community in order to financially support these development efforts. The lot for the facility is $3.5 million, and it is estimated another $250 million will be needed for the new structure development.
Is it Possible to Build the Convention Center
Through Crowdfunding?
Generated yearly through crowdfunding in North America
Funds Grew
The level of funds raised in 2023 as compared to 2022
How much the crowdfunding market is project to grow by 2030
The percentage team-driven crowdfunding raise over solo campaigns.