(270) 577-3943


Make a General Donation

We appreciate your tax-exempt support!

SBBI Enterprises is a 509(a)(2) designated public charity. That means that our organization is primarily supported through income earned from performing our tax-exempt purpose and often referred to as “mission-related income.”

Donors who give SBBI as a public charity can deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income on their annual taxes. (As oposssed to a private foundation which may be limited to 30%).

All funds aid paying debts, staffing, marketing materials costs, Administrative costs, office equipment.

Download our IRS Letter

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Corporate sponsorships represent a signficant funding source for our non-profit organization.  We are seeking sponsorships of $1000 each from 9 thousand businesses located in the three-county area that we serve; Owensboro, Henderson and Evansville.


Build the Convention Center

The plan is to buy the Big Rivers lot in Henderson and develop it into a state-of-the-art Multi-Purpose Facility.  Not only will this provide the area with a much-needed community space, it will also create new jobs and stimulate Henderson’s local economy.  This new facility will be a shining example of sustainability. Not only will it be built using the most advanced sustainable technology and practices, but it will also be a model for other businesses and organizations to follow. The facility will be designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly.

 The multipurpose facility will be a hub of activity, with concerts, conferences, indoor sports, and other events. It will be a place to bring the community together and celebrate Henderson’s culture, history, and natural beauty. When it is completed, it will be a source of pride for the community and a destination for people from all over the world. It will be a symbol of success and a testament to the power of collaboration and hard work. It is an investment of which the entire community will benefit.